Greetings programs! This week I'm looking at Barnstorming and Grand Prix, both by Activision. Next week I'll be discussing the Avalon Hill company and two of their games, Death Trap and London Blitz. Upcoming games include Swordquest: Earthworld by Atari; Edtris 2600 and Sound X by Ed Federmeyer; AD&D Treasure of Tarmin, Burgertime, and In Search of the Golden Skull by M Network, Frogger and Amidar by Parker Brothers, and Sssnake and Airlock by Data Age. If you have any stories about these games that you'd like to share, or about any of the games I've already covered, please send them to All get read or played on the show, and it is my favorite part of recording the podcast. Thanks for listening!

Prixotic Links

Barnstorming patch
Grand Prix patch
Grand Prix patch accompanying letter
Grand Prix medal (scroll down to bottom for large pic)
Willie's Grand Prix video! Awesome!
Willie's Barnstorming video
Steve Cartwright's web site
How To Beat the Home Video Games - Barnstorming
Super Action Pak Easter Egg
1984 Info World David Crane interview
James' Howard Scott Warshaw interview CGE 2005
James' HSW Once Upon Atari commercial

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Direct download: Episode_71_-_Barnstorming_and_Grand_Prix_by_Activision.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 7:39am EST

Today I look at two of my favorites for the 2600, Haunted House and Yars' Revenge. There's a lot to talk about, and now that I've finished recording I forgot to mention the Kids Stuff records. Yars' Revenge had an LP and a book and 45, each having some exclusive content. Like Asteroids, the LP is online but I could not find the 45. Now that's 2 videos I have to make, maybe Willie! will give me some pointers. :) Next week it's Barnstorming and Grand Prix by Activision! Seems like it's been awhile for Activision on my little show here. After that, it will be Death Trap and London Blitz by Avalon Hill; Swordquest: Earthworld by Atari; Edtris 2600 and Sound X by Ed Federmeyer; AD&D Treasure of Tarmin and Burgertime by M Network (I may add another game here, as Tarmin was not released and remains unavailable), and Frogger and Amidar by Parker Brothers. If you have any feedback or memories you'd like to share for any of these games, or if you're getting caught up with my show and want to talk about a game I've already covered, please send it to me at, in written or audio format. I love hearing from you! Thank you all so much for listening!

Haunted Links

Haunted House Easter Eggs
How to Beat The Home Video Games: Yars' Revenge
Willie's awesome Haunted House Video
Willie's Yars' Revenge video (featuring Clutch Cargo as Yar)
Yars' Revenge Kid Stuff album
Mystery Mansion (Haunted House prototype)
Howard Scott Warshaw interview by Scott Stilphen
HSW Keynote at Electronicon, 1997, filmed by Scott Stilphen (this is part 1 of 5, the other parts will show on the right)
HSW on Matt Chat (part 1 of 2, see above)
HSW's Once Upon Atari site
HSW's personal site
HSW's books on Amazon
Original Steve Hendricks Haunted House artwork (scroll down)
Hiro Kimura's web site
Brian's Yars' Revenge review

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Direct download: Episode_70_-_Haunted_House_and_Yars_Revenge_by_Atari.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 11:58am EST

This week's episode is about the adult games released by Mystique, Custer's Revenge, Bachelor Party, and Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em. Controversial games all, please be advised that this episode has the explicit tag, so do not listen if you are offended by sex or if there are children anywhere near the mp3 player of choice. Next week will be much safer, it will be about Yar's Revenge and Haunted House, two of the better games that Atari made for their system. If you have any feedback about these two games, please send it along to It should be a fun show. Thank you for listening!

Palm Beach Post article
White Mountain Apache tribe resolution (PDF)
Porn and Pong book by Damon Brown
Ocala Star Banner article
NY Times article
People Magazine article
Info World magazine article
Canadian news segment
American Indian Community House
American Indian Movement

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Direct download: Episode_69_-_the_Mystique_Adult_Games.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 9:37am EST

This week's episode talks about Blackjack, Casino, and Slot Machine by Atari. I apologize for the delay, I am still trying to get over being sick. Thankfully, my dad should be getting out of the hospital on Friday, and again, I thank you all for your patience and your well wishes. It really does mean a lot to me. Next time, since I am a 12 year old boy at heart (as I mention in this episode and should be readily apparent), episode 69 will be about Custer's Revenge, Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em, and Bachelor Party. These are the three Mystique adult games that cause a lot of controversy and at least one lawsuit when they were originally released. I will have a warning at the beginning of the episode and it will also be labeled explicit in iTunes. I realize this will be offensive to some. I don't want to leave these games out because they are part of the game library, so if you are offended by this kind of material or if you listen with your kids, please skip this episode and come back for the Haunted House and Yar's Revenge episode right after this one. As always, if you have any feedback, please send it to me at I am thinking that episode 69 will probably not be out until the 13th; hopefully after that I can go back to once a week, because all of this stuff is driving me crazy. Thank you for listening everyone, see you next time!

Pertinent Links

Bob Whitehead interview by Scott Stilphen
Ryan's Atari 2600 site
Player/Missile podcast
Zerbinator Land

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Direct download: Episode_68_-_Blackjack_Casino_and_Slot_Machine_by_Atari.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 8:45am EST






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