Sun, 5 April 2020
Hi there! I hope very much that you all are staying home when you can and staying safe. For the first time in a loooong time, I have a Bonus Track for you. In this episode I go through my concert ticket stubs that I saved (most of them from before my twenties), and talk about each show, if I remember anything about it. There's some fun stories in there that I hope you will like. Thanks to Sean and Lisa for the inspiration, there's an Autobiography of a Schnook episode where the two of them talk about the concerts they went to in 2019. As always, please take care of yourselves and thank you for listening.
Direct download: Bonus_Track_-_Concert_Ticket_Stubs.mp3
Category:Bonus Track -- posted at: 8:16pm EST |
Sun, 9 December 2018
The closing of Toys R Us has been rolling around in my head for months, I finally had some time to sit down and record it. I guess it's appropriate since it's Christmas time. I hope you enjoy it, thank you for listening! |
Sun, 25 March 2018
This is a short bonus track about how I got to fulfill a childhood fantasy years after I forgot about it. I hope you enjoy it, thank you for listening. |
Mon, 25 December 2017
Merry Christmas everyone! I recorded this episode while I was baking Christmas cookies, so please excuse the sound quality and background noises. I thought that would be a good time to talk about what I do for a living (and for leisure too!). I hope that you will enjoy listening to it. Thank you once again for a wonderful year! |
Wed, 12 April 2017
This episode was inspired after Sarah and I went to see Peter Noone play down the road, something I have been waiting most of my life to do. I talk a little about the history of the band, but more about MY history with the band. Some of the things I forgot include the fact that their name came from the fact that Peter Noone resembled Sherman, from the Mr. Peabody and Sherman cartoon. I also forgot their movie appearances. They starred in 2 films of their own and appeared in another (none of which I've seen, I'm ashamed to admit). I did check Spotify after I recorded the episode in hopes of making a playlist, but most of the regular albums aren't there. There's a LOT of re-recorded stuff though, which I avoid like the plague, and I suggest you do the same if you have any interest in listening. I did find some cool live stuff that I hadn't heard before, so that was good. |
Sun, 2 April 2017
Hi there, here's my first Bonus Track episode about working as a paperboy back in the 80s. The inspiration for this was an episode of Klickitcast, which is a podcast about Beverly Cleary books. In one of her early books, Henry Huggins has a paper route and it reminded me of my own paper route. One thing I had wrong was that the News Tribune merged with the Home News, not the Courier News. Thank you all again for your kindness and for listening, I hope you enjoy these bonus tracks.
Direct download: Bonus_Track_-_My_Year_as_a_Paperboy.mp3
Category:Bonus Track -- posted at: 11:38am EST |