Hi there! I hope very much that you all are staying home when you can and staying safe. For the first time in a loooong time, I have a Bonus Track for you. In this episode I go through my concert ticket stubs that I saved (most of them from before my twenties), and talk about each show, if I remember anything about it. There's some fun stories in there that I hope you will like. Thanks to Sean and Lisa for the inspiration, there's an Autobiography of a Schnook episode where the two of them talk about the concerts they went to in 2019. As always, please take care of yourselves and thank you for listening.

Autobiography of a Schnook Podcast

Direct download: Bonus_Track_-_Concert_Ticket_Stubs.mp3
Category:Bonus Track -- posted at: 8:16pm EST

The closing of Toys R Us has been rolling around in my head for months, I finally had some time to sit down and record it. I guess it's appropriate since it's Christmas time. I hope you enjoy it, thank you for listening!

Toys R Us bankruptcy press release
Vintage Toys R Us on Retro Junk
Sunnyvale Toys R Us on Computer History Museum (thumbnail photo)
Doug McCoy's Nintendo Get With It Kit video
Jean Shepherd's Route 22

Direct download: Bonus_Track_-_Toys_R_Us.mp3
Category:Bonus Track -- posted at: 3:09am EST

This is a short bonus track about how I got to fulfill a childhood fantasy years after I forgot about it. I hope you enjoy it, thank you for listening.

Anechoic chamber in Bell Labs, Murray Hill
Anechoic chambers by Michael Pettersen on Shure's blog
Anechoic chambers by Jaime Sunwoo on Nova's blog
Live music from Murray Hill's anechoic chamber

Direct download: Bonus_Track_-_Quietest_Room.mp3
Category:Bonus Track -- posted at: 5:59am EST

Merry Christmas everyone! I recorded this episode while I was baking Christmas cookies, so please excuse the sound quality and background noises. I thought that would be a good time to talk about what I do for a living (and for leisure too!). I hope that you will enjoy listening to it. Thank you once again for a wonderful year!

Rainbow Cookie recipe (TRY IT)
Books by Peter Reinhart (I have Crust and Crumb and Bread Baker's Apprentice)
Standard Baking Company in Portland ME
Bing's Bakery in Newark DE (my favorite in the state)

Direct download: Bonus_Track_-_My_Baking_Career.mp3
Category:Bonus Track -- posted at: 1:25pm EST

This episode was inspired after Sarah and I went to see Peter Noone play down the road, something I have been waiting most of my life to do. I talk a little about the history of the band, but more about MY history with the band. Some of the things I forgot include the fact that their name came from the fact that Peter Noone resembled Sherman, from the Mr. Peabody and Sherman cartoon. I also forgot their movie appearances. They starred in 2 films of their own and appeared in another (none of which I've seen, I'm ashamed to admit). I did check Spotify after I recorded the episode in hopes of making a playlist, but most of the regular albums aren't there. There's a LOT of re-recorded stuff though, which I avoid like the plague, and I suggest you do the same if you have any interest in listening. I did find some cool live stuff that I hadn't heard before, so that was good.

I hope you enjoy the episode! There's still a few days to get your contest entries in, so if you haven't done that yet, please do. I will be on vacation after Easter, so there won't be any episodes of any kind until after that. Thanks for listening!


Peter Noone's web site
Barry Whitwam's web site
Keith Hopwood's Pluto Music
Cool (but old) Herman's Hermits web site

Direct download: Bonus_Track_-_Hermans_Hermits.mp3
Category:Bonus Track -- posted at: 12:24pm EST

Hi there, here's my first Bonus Track episode about working as a paperboy back in the 80s. The inspiration for this was an episode of Klickitcast, which is a podcast about Beverly Cleary books. In one of her early books, Henry Huggins has a paper route and it reminded me of my own paper route. One thing I had wrong was that the News Tribune merged with the Home News, not the Courier News. Thank you all again for your kindness and for listening, I hope you enjoy these bonus tracks.

Links? For what?

Courier News Online
Hangly Man on KLOV
John Lennon Whiskey Decanter
Cornell Dubilier Electronics Superfund site in South Plainfield
Corner Deli in South Plainfield on Yelp

Direct download: Bonus_Track_-_My_Year_as_a_Paperboy.mp3
Category:Bonus Track -- posted at: 11:38am EST






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