After quite a long delay, episode 124 featuring Lost Luggage and Shark Attack is finally available. Thank you once again for your patience. Coming up in July will be an all-Epyx episode featuring Winter, Summer, and California Games. You can send your thoughts on these games or any others that I've done to me at I sincerely hope you are all enjoying your summer, thanks for listening and I will see you all soon!

Ernie Runyon interview by Scott Stilphen
Ed Salvo interview by Scott Stilphen
Lochjaw Easter Eggs on 2600 Connection (Shark Attack Easter Eggs are about the same)
How to Beat the Home Video Games: Shark Attack
Lost Luggage jingle by Byron Parks
PM Magazine Games by Apollo piece
No Swear Gamer 250 - Shark Attack (Phil LOOOOOVES sharks)
No Swear Gamer 254 - Lost Luggage
Rama's Youtube channel
Easy To Learn, Hard To Master: The Fate of Atari Kickstarter campaign by 8bit generation
Super Podcast Bros. Podcast
Bill's Atari 8 bit Ads blog post about buying his Atari 400
Atari 2600 vs Channel F Chess on AA
Atari Party 2016!

Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
Proud member of the Throwback Network!
Proud member of the Retro Junkies Network!
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My YouTube channel, for whatever reason
Blog page
Listen to the show on Stitcher!
Subscribe to the show on iTunes, and leave a review! Reviews are nice!
Listen to the show on Tune In!
Please check out my other shows:
Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters

Direct download: 124_-_Lost_Luggage_and_Shark_Attack_by_Apollo.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 11:13am EST

Last weekend I was able to get to the Too Many Games video game convention in Pennsylvania. This is just a short episode about what I saw and did there. It was a lot of fun and I will be there again next year, hope to see you there!

Too Many Games web site
Rich's band Kickbax
Sega Nerds web site
Geekade on Youtube
Mega Visions magazine Kickstarter
Blind Blades by Heavy Key Studios
Super Rock Blasters by QuadraTron Studios

Direct download: Too_Many_Games_Wrapup_Special.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 10:14pm EST






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