Hello everyone! Sorry about the delay, but now here is the Spitfire Attack episode for you, by Milton Bradley. We also discuss the Flight Commander controller that came with it. I never had one but we do have a few listeners who did, which is exciting! Also exciting is what's coming up next month, the Summer of Shuttles! I will be covering Shuttle Orbiter by Avalon Hill and Space Shuttle by Activision. If you have feedback for either of these games, please send it to me at 2600gamebygame@gmail.com. I will need the Shuttle Orbiter feedback by August 9th, and the feedback for Space Shuttle by August 21st. I'm expecting a bit for Space Shuttle 😂
As always, I thank you for your patience, and for listening. Please stay safe and stay cool.

Dennis Debro's Spitfire Attack mod

Milton Bradley video game article, June 5 1983

Direct download: Spitfire_Attack_by_Milton_Bradley.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 7:08pm EST

Hey there, this week I am covering the amazing port of Tapper, the Bally Midway arcade game programmed by Beck Tech for Sega. Please check this game out if you haven't, it is well worth your time. Coming up next on the show is the Milton Bradley game Spitfire Attack, which was packaged with the Flight Commander controller. If you have any feedback on Spitfire Attack, please send it to me at 2600gamebygame@gmail.com by July 19. I'm not quite sure what will happen after that, I want to get back on the opposite week schedule so I may take some time off. I will let you know for sure in the next episode.

Tomorrow (July 8th) is national Video Game Day! Play something will ya!

Thank you all so much for listening, it means so much to me.


Swordquest Fireworld Contest Rom thread on Atari Age

Tapper on KLOV

Root Beer Tapper on KLOV

MGA Tapper Patent

Tapper on Atari Protos

February 1984 Tapper newspaper article

December 1984 Sears ad

Steve Beck's web site

Tom Sloper interview on Atari Compendium

Tom Sloper interview on GDRI

Arcade USA Ataricade 2600 - Tapper

No Swear Gamer 535 - Tapper

No Swear Gamer Tapper gameplay

Direct download: Tapper_by_Sega.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 8:55am EST






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