Long time no see doc! *smak* This week we are discussing the prototype/reproduction game Bugs Bunny, originally from Atari. This Bob Polaro/Alan Murphy collaboration was shelved in the 80s and finally saw limited release at the late, lamented Philly Classic in 2002. It's a beautiful game that I hope you will seek out and try. Coming up next is Sir Lancelot by Xonox. If you have feedback for this guy, please send it to me at 2600gamebygame@gmail.com by September 21st at 10 PM EST. You get a smidge more time for this one, then hopefully I'll get back on track and stay that way. HA HA HA HA. Thank you again for all the kind words about the Space Shuttle episode, and thank you so much for listening.

Bugs Bunny on Atari Protos

Bob Polaro's web page

Bob Polaro interview by Sarah Szefer

Bob Polaro interview by Al Backiel

Alan Murphy on Artstation

Atari Promo Video 1983 Bugs Bunny Footage

Photos from Philly Classic 3/Bugs Bunny release

Atari2600.com Bugs Bunny Press Release

Atari Compendium Easter Egg page

Easter egg thread on Atari Age

Video Dames 0 by Kate Willaert

Porno Hustlers of the Atari Age by Kate Willaert on Kotaku

Direct download: Bugs_Bunny_by_Atari.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:14am EST

Hey everyone, this week on the program we have a very early homebrew and the first from Ebivision, Alfred Challenge! It's a very difficult game but one I personally enjoyed. Mrs. Ferguson the Librarian also makes an appearance in this episode! Congratulations to the winners of the PlusCart and the Edladdin Super 78 controller from the episode 200 contests. I haven't notified them yet so I want it to be a surprise. Don't worry, I picked the winners before I started talking about the game. You WILL have to wait a little longer to hear the countdowns though, sorry about that. Next up on the show is the unreleased prototype called Surf's Up by Amiga. If you have feedback for Surf's Up or any game I've already covered, please send it to me at 2600gamebygame@gmail.com. Thank you all for entering the contests, and of course, for listening.

Igor Barzilai's web site

2003 Interview with Eric Bacher by Good Deal Games

2000 Interview with Eric Bacher by Scott Stilphen

Current location of Classic Ebivision site

Best Electronics disclaimer

Alfred Challenge on Videogame Homebrew wiki

Eric Bacher's company, Brainwave GRC

Igor Barzilai's Tarot Artisinal site

ZeroPage Homebrew Alfred Challenge playthrough #1

ZeroPage Homebrew Alfred Challenge playthrough #2

Direct download: Alfred_Challenge_by_Ebivision.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:33pm EST

I'm sorry I don't have the Gopher episode ready today, but I wanted to announce the PlusCart winner at least because Doug is very kind to sponsor this contest. Please give a listen, I will be sending the winner an email to get their address. Doug is a much better shipper than I, so there's that. If you have Gopher feedback that you didn't send but want to, get it to me by the end of Friday the 12th. Thanks so much for your patience, and for listening.

Doug's Contest video

Direct download: PlusCart_Contest_Winner_and_excuses.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:08am EST

Just a quick update to when I'm doing Extra Life for the folks who may have missed it on social media. I'll be doing it NEXT weekend, the 8th and 9th starting at 6 pm both nights. I hope to see you there, thanks so much!

My Extra Life Donation page

My YouTube page

Direct download: Extra_Life_Update.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:36pm EST

In this episode we take a look at the 20th Century Fox game M*A*S*H, and also do a mini Bonus Track on the TV show, sorry about that. Next up on the show will be Quest For Quintana Roo by Sunrise. If you have any feedback on this game, please send it to me at 2600gamebygame@gmail.com by end of the day September 21. NO STRAGGLERS. :)

There were no entries for the surprise contest in the Malagai episode. Either no one listened to the end of the show, or the clues were too, wait for it, obtuse.

As always, thank you so much for listening, I love each and every one of you.

Doug Neubauer interview by James Hague
David Lubar interview by Scott Stilphen
MASH on Random Terrain
MASH on Atarimania
Photo of Jamie Farr in Character with MASH game, Billboard magazine
Check out Bill Pepper's books!
Check out Marc Allie's books!
Check out my books!
Check out Please Stand By!

Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Please check out my other shows:
Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters

Direct download: MASH_by_20th_Century_Fox.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:44am EST

This is the second Spectravision show I've done, this time featuring the games Cross Force and Tape Worm. If you don't know Spectravision, try these games out, I think you will enjoy themNext week on the show I'll be looking at Word Zapper and Commando Raid by US Games. Upcoming games include Asteroids and Berzerk by Atari; Mousetrap by Coleco and Ladybug by John Champeau, Blackjack, Casino, Slot Machine, Yar's Revenge and Haunted House by Atari; and Grand Prix and Barnstorming by Activision. If you have any feedback for these or any of the games I've covered so far, send it to 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thank you so much for listening, see you next time!

Pertinent Links

Willie's Atari Flashback 4 contest video for episode 66
Willie's Cross Force video
Willie's Tape Worm video
How to Beat the Home Video Games: Tape Worm
Submarine Commander on Atari Protos site
Phenomenal Phil the No Swear Gamer on Youtube
Nibbler on KLOV

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Direct download: Episode_64_-_Cross_Force_and_Tape_Worm_by_Spectravision.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:56am EST

Back to the wonderful Supercharger for two more of its games, Suicide Mission and Killer Satellites. I forgot to mention in the show that the Prototype version of Suicide Mission, Meteoroids, has a similar descending note scale like the arcade version of Asteroids. You can hear that in the sound clip I played in that section (it speeds up as there are fewer meteoroids onscreen). The released version only has 2 of these notes, and it sounds really weird. Next week on the show I'll be yakking about Gyruss and James Bond 007 by Parker Brothers. Upcoming games include Codebreaker, Flag Capture and Video Chess by Atari; Title Match Pro Wrestling and Skateboardin' by Absolute; Pac-Man by Atari; Magicard and Video Life by CommaVid, and Submarine Commander (Sears exclusive) and Video Pinball by Atari. You can send me your stories or memories of any of these game or any of the games I've already covered to me at 2600gamebygame@comcast.net. Thank you so much for listening!

Pertinent Links

Intellivision vs. Atari II: Electric Boogaloo - Checkers!
Steve Hales interview in Halcyon Days by James Hague
Steve Hales' Igor Software Labs web site
Kevin Norman's Science Wiz web site
Suicide Mission at Atari Protos web site
Favorite Atari 2660 Games of Willie - Killer Satellites!
Favorite Atari 2600 Games of Willie - Suicide Mission!

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Direct download: Episode_56_-_Suicide_Mission_and_Killer_Satellites_by_Starpath.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:53pm EST






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