This episode was suggested by Matt (@stormsurge) and will be part of a continuing series over the life of the podcast. The special announcement is that I will be slacking off the podcast this summer. ;)   Well, kind of. Please stay tuned to the episode for details on that. Thanks for listening everyone, see you soon!

These are the coasters that I mentioned in the podcast (you can also see them on Twitter and Facebook, I posted them back in 2014):


Pertinent Links

Digital Press 99 Classics (NOT including Frankenstein's Monster)
Toy Tomb Podcast
Stone Age Gamer & Waveback podcasts on Geekade
The Retro League Podcast
Too Many Games! Forums

Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
Proud member of the Throwback Network!
Proud member of the Retro Junkies Network!
Facebook page
Twitter page
Google + page
My YouTube channel, for whatever reason
Blog page
Listen to the show on Stitcher!
Subscribe to the show on iTunes, and leave a review! Reviews are nice!
Listen to the show on Tune In!
Please check out my other shows:
Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters

Direct download: My_Top_10_Single_Player_Games_and_a_Special_Announcement.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 4:15am EST

Hey everyone, thanks for your patience this week. This episode is about two of Activision's early 1983 titles, Oink and Dolphin. Next on the podcast I will be looking at Lost Luggage and Shark Attack (Lochjaw) by Apollo. If you have any feedback on these or any of the games I've covered, please send it to You can check the calendar on the blogpage for the upcoming shows, I have updated it. A bit. I have some vacation time coming up, and while I don't have an episode listed for those weeks, I am going to try to get something out then. I also have an upcoming project, we are putting in a new floor in my gameroom/podcasting room, but I'm hoping that won't disturb the schedule. Much.

Thanks for listening everyone!

Pertinent Oinks

Matthew Hubbard interview by Scott Stilphen
Scott Stilphen's Dolphin Easter Egg page
Oink on Atari Protos
Dolphin on Atari Protos
Oink Patch on Digital Press
...and the accompanying letter
Friends of Dolphins patch on DP
...and the accompanying letter
Secret Society of Dolphins patch on DP
Activisions newsletter announcing Dolphin and Oink
Matthew Hubbard's Blogger profile (he has a few blogs there)
The No Swear Gamer 252 - Oink!
The No Swear Gamer 253 - Dolphin
Warren Robinett's Adventure web site
Inventing the Adventure Game by Warren Robinett (unpublished manuscript)
Classic Game Room - Oink!

Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
Proud member of the Throwback Network!
Proud member of the Retro Junkies Network!
Facebook page
Twitter page
Google + page
My YouTube channel, for whatever reason
Blog page
Listen to the show on Stitcher!
Subscribe to the show on iTunes, and leave a review! Reviews are nice!
Listen to the show on Tune In!
Please check out my other shows:
Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters

Direct download: 123_-_Oink_and_Dolphin_by_Activision.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 8:13pm EST

This week I cover two more games in the RealSports line, Tennis and Basketball. Basketball was an unfinished prototype that saw the light of day near the turn of the century. I think there is only one more RealSports title left, Boxing, which oddly came out much later than the rest. Next time I'll be discussing the Activision games Oink! and Dolphin, so if you have any thoughts on these games (or the RealSports games, I expected the feedback to be a bit light and I was not mistaken), please send it to me at You will not regret it! Thank you so much for listening, and this Sunday, please say hi to your mother for me.

Pertinent Links

RealSports Tennis on Atari Protos
RealSports Basketball on Atari Protos
Supergames 8 in 1 on Atari Protos
Unused RS Tennis art on Atarimania
No Swear Gamer 251 - RS Tennis!
RS Basketball in 1982 Rev F catalog
RS Basketball screenshot in 1983 Rev A catalog
RS Basketball 2002 Repro on Atari Age
Scott Stilphen's Easter Egg page for RS Basketball
Highretrogamelord's RS Basketball video
Intellivisionaries 18 - Basketball(s)!
Intellivisionaries 7 - Baseball(s)!
SNES Podcast 45 - Frogger!

Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
Proud member of the Throwback Network!
Proud member of the Retro Junkies Network!
Facebook page
Twitter page
Google + page
My YouTube channel, for whatever reason
Blog page
Listen to the show on Stitcher!
Subscribe to the show on iTunes, and leave a review! Reviews are nice!
Listen to the show on Tune In!
Please check out my other shows:
Intarivisions Podcast
Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters

Direct download: 122_-_RealSports_Basketball_and_Tennis_by_Atari.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 5:37pm EST






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