Wed, 18 February 2015
Hi there! This week I discuss two more of Tigervision's Atari 2600 cartridge output, Threshold and River Patrol. River Patrol is SUPER RARE L@@K. And they're not kidding. The next episode will be on March 4th and will be about Ram It and Fast Food by Telesys, and will also have the last installment of Willie's FergQuest contest! Upcoming games will include Brain Games and Frog Pond by Atari; Megamania and Sky Jinks by Activision; Cosmic Avenger, Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle, and Carnival by Coleco; Realsports Volleyball and Realsports Soccer by Atari; and Super Cobra and Reactor by Parker Brothers. If you have any memories to share about these or any of the games I've already covered, please send them to Thank you for listening!
Direct download: Episode_91_-_Threshold__River_Patro.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 12:55pm EST |