This week I talk about two more of Sega's Atari 2600 games, Thunderground and Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator.  I found both of them to be fun to play. Next episode will not be out until June 4, I am taking a few weeks off. That will be MagiCard and Video Life by CommaVid. The MagiCard manual is horribly long and complicated, so the extra time will be nice. Upcoming games include Submarine Commander and Video Pinball by Atari; Cross Force and Tape Worm by Spectravision; Word Zapper and Commando Raid by US Games; Asteroids and Berzerk by Atari; and Mousetrap by Coleco and Ladybug by John Champeau. I'm including this homebrew (first one!) because it was slated to be released by Coleco but wasn't, and Champeau later released a great port of the game. So if you have any stories or memories of any of these games, please send them to me at Thank you everyone, have a great Memorial Day if you're in the US and I'll see you in June!

Highly Illogical Links

June 1983 Videogaming Illustrated Star Trek article
Star Trek at KLOV
Borderline at KLOV
Classic Console Gamernews
Now You're Playing With Podcast
The Intellivisionaries Podcast
Favorite Atari 2600 Games of Willie - Star Trek
Pixa on the iTunes Store
Thunderground manual from 2600 Connection (.PDF)

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