Thu, 28 November 2013
Happy Hanukkah and Thanksgiving everyone! Let us celebrate and give thanks for the mighty Space Invaders, savior of the Atari VCS (later the 2600). We'll talk a little about the arcade game, the 2600 programmer Rick Maurer, and a whole lot about the different packaging variations. One thing I didn't mention in the podcast was my assumption that Atari had an iron grip on the US console rights for Space Invaders for many years. It came out on many systems in Japan, but didn't see any kind of US release until the 90s. That's pretty amazing. Next week, I'm going back to the Activision well with Freeway and one of my very favorites, Kaboom. Hopefully I can get my USB paddle adapter to work so you can hear my amazing prowess at this game! I am good at some games! As always, send your stories and memories to Also, please send me your Christmas and Hanukkah Atari related memories by December 20th, there will be a special Christmas show released (he says) on December 24th. I am thankful for all of you! Enjoy your holidays!
Direct download: Episode_40_-_Space_Invaders_by_Atari.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 5:53am EST |