Sun, 30 June 2013
Episode 18 covers two of the first 4 games available for the Starpath Supercharger, Phaser Patrol and Communist Mutants From Space! The Supercharger is a very cool add-on for the 2600 that allows you to load games into your 2600 via cassette tape. Upcoming shows include the games Worm War I and Beany Bopper by 20th Century Fox; 3D Tic Tac Toe and Stellar Track by Atari; Star Voyager and Atlantis by Imagic, and Space Jockey and Sneak n Peek by US Games. Please send me your stories for these games, either in an email or an mp3 file. You can send these to Thank you all so much for listening! Follow on Twitter Like on Facebook Read the blog
Direct download: Episode_18_-_Phaser_Patrol__Communist_Mutants_From_Space_by_Starpath.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 5:21am EST |