Sun, 20 August 2017
So. This episode is about Activision's racing game Enduro, but it is not the only episode about Enduro that I will be doing. I expected a good amount of feedback for this game, and I got an enormous amount instead. Which is absolutely wonderful, I am ecstatic to get so much feedback this far into the podcast. However, it is late and I am tired. Rather than wait to put out the whole show, I am putting out what I have so far, and the rest will go out this weekend. I kept telling Sarah that I was getting a lot of feedback, and she kept telling me to split the show into two parts. Of course I said I didn't want to do that, because I'm dumb. I had almost everything recorded before yesterday, and it still took forever to edit. So, enjoy this first half and I will see you again this weekend. Thanks for listening!
Direct download: 141_-_Enduro_by_Activision_-_Part_2_of_2.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 7:10am EST |