So. This episode is about Activision's racing game Enduro, but it is not the only episode about Enduro that I will be doing. I expected a good amount of feedback for this game, and I got an enormous amount instead. Which is absolutely wonderful, I am ecstatic to get so much feedback this far into the podcast. However, it is late and I am tired. Rather than wait to put out the whole show, I am putting out what I have so far, and the rest will go out this weekend. I kept telling Sarah that I was getting a lot of feedback, and she kept telling me to split the show into two parts. Of course I said I didn't want to do that, because I'm dumb. I had almost everything recorded before yesterday, and it still took forever to edit. So, enjoy this first half and I will see you again this weekend. Thanks for listening!

Part 2 can be found here. Thanks for your patience!


Enduro at Random Terrain's site
Enduro pace car photo from Atarimania
Dan Devendorf photo in Billboard
Enduro blurb in Billboard May 28 1983
Article about Enduro remake on IOS
No Swear Gamer 337 - Enduro

Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Please Stand By!
The League of Extraordinary Podcasters

Direct download: 141_-_Enduro_by_Activision_-_Part_2_of_2.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 7:10am EST





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