This long-gestating episode is about the Milton Bradley game Survival Run, as well as its accompanying controller, the Cosmic Commander! I talk a lot about Milton Bradley as a company in this episode, I hope you like old commercials. I will also announce the winner of the Survival Run cartridge in the Strudders' Score segment at the end of the show, thanks to both Strudders and Mini Strudders for doing that! Next time will be Space Raid, the homebrew game by Oscar Toledo Gutierrez, aka nanochess on Atari Age. If you have any thoughts on this game or any that I've covered in the past, please send it to me at and you'll hear it on the show. Thanks so much for listening, enjoy your summer!

Pertinent Links

Buck Rogers thread on AA
Review in Computer Games magazine April 1984
Review in Electronic Fun with Computers and Games magazine February 1984
Video Games article on Milton Bradley's 2600 controllers April 1984
Article in Videogaming and Computer Gaming Illustrated Dec 1983 (cont. p. 48)
Creative Computing blurb on MB controllers Sept 1983
Cosmic Commander video by Sharkie
MBX Expansion System
HD2000 joystick ad
Space Age joystick
1983 Atari Catalog with Space Age joystick and drawing of Voice Commander
Voice Controller on Atari Compendium
Unreleased MB games on Atari Compendium
2600 High Score Showdown on Facebook (Dragonfire)

Check out Jose's awesome spreadsheet for the list of games I've already done, with links to the episodes! Thank you Jose!
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Direct download: 139_-_Survival_Run_by_Milton_Bradley.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 8:16am EST





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